Care Management: When Is it Time to Get Care Management Help?

Care Management: Even if you know that you and your elderly family member need more help, there can be a bit of reluctance in going ahead and seeking that help.

You may not even know where to turn, which is why care management providers are a great place to start.


Life Care Management in Zionsville IN: Care Management

Life Care Management in Zionsville IN: Care Management


Your Senior Isn’t Able to Care for Herself as Well

Your elderly family member may be able to hang onto her plan to do as much as she can for herself for a long time, but that can change quickly. Suddenly, she may find it way too difficult to handle basic tasks that were no problem not so long ago. There’s a lot to keep up with, and it’s not an easy job at all. Care management professionals can help you to assess what your senior needs in terms of help and can offer solutions that will make life easier. For instance, your elderly family member might benefit from senior care providers taking over some of her personal care tasks. Other solutions can resolve other issues.


She’s Feeling Confused about More Things

Even without a cognitive illness like dementia, your senior may start to become more confused about daily life and other situations. Your elderly family member may be more detached from day and time than she used to be, which can make certain situations more difficult, like remembering to bathe on a regular basis. These are issues that care managers can help you to overcome for her by accessing resources that can help.


You’re Not Able to Help Her as Much as You Want

Another reason to look into care management, especially earlier, is that you may be willing to help your senior more, but unable to follow through. There are so many reasons why that’s true, and none of them mean that you’re a bad family caregiver or that you don’t love your senior family member enough. What it does mean is that you’re being proactive about seeking the experienced help that you need to make sure that your senior is able to have her own needs met. That’s a great way to get started in caregiving, even if your elderly family member has relatively few needs at this point.


Care Management: Conclusion

Aging care management can help you to solve problems before they’re even problems. They can help you and your senior to put together a care plan that ensures that your senior’s needs are met and that you’re able to do as much as possible for your elderly family member.


If you or an aging loved-one are considering Life Care Management in Zionsville, IN, please call the caring staff at Home Services Unlimited. Serving Greater Indianapolis Area. Call for Immediate Info & Assistance:  317-471-0775

Etelka Froymovich, RN, MHA