In-Home Care: Everything Home Care Assistance Helps With and Things It Doesn’t Do


In-Home Care: Have you ever wondered how home care assistance helps your parents stay independent?

There are things that in-home care providers can help with, but there are also things families expect they can do, but they can’t. Here’s everything you should know about home care assistance services.

In-Home Care: Home Care Assistance

In-Home Care: Home Care Assistance


A Caregiver Give Reports and Updates to Designated Family Members

You live on the other side of the country, so you don’t always know exactly how your mom is or what she’s done all day. Caregivers can communicate your mom’s daily activities, test results, and needs to you. You’ll always know what’s going on, thanks to her caregivers.

The Caregiver Helps You But Isn’t There to Cater to You

While a caregiver does help you out by providing respite care to give you breaks and helping your mom, the caregiver isn’t there to cater to you. If you arrive to visit your dad, the caregiver is not there to cook meals for you, get you a drink, and make you a snack.

You cannot ask the caregiver to do your laundry at the same time as your parents’. The caregiver isn’t going to do your dishes if you cook yourself a meal. Make sure you do not leave anything for the caregiver to clean up after you leave.


In-Home Care: Your Parents Remain Independent But With a Helping Hand When Needed

Your parents don’t have to struggle to complete a daily activity. If your mom can get dressed but struggles to tie her shoes, she’s not limited to slip-ons. She can have her caregiver tie her shoes for her. Your dad loves to bowl, but he can’t drive. His caregiver can drive him to the bowling alley and bowl with him.

The things your parents can do on their own are still left for them to do. If your parents like doing the laundry, the caregiver will not take over unless they ask for help.

In-Home Care: Caregivers Cannot Do Medical Tasks

You might ask the caregiver to help out with medical treatments, but the caregiver cannot do those tasks. Do not ask a caregiver to clean your dad’s feeding tube or inject insulin. A home health care nurse needs to complete those care needs.

Now that you know more about the things home care assistance offers to older adults, make arrangements. A specialist can walk you through how to schedule caregiver visits, the prices, and the best in-home care assistance services for your parents’ needs.


If you or an aging loved-one are considering In-Home Care in Indianapolis, IN, please call the caring staff at Home Services Unlimited. Serving Greater Indianapolis Area. Call for Immediate Info & Assistance:  317-471-0775


Etelka Froymovich, RN, MHA